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# 해외대학 실시간 합격현황

  • 대학 · 대학원 합격자 (조건부 입학 포함) 및 중복 합격 포함
  • 2013년 ~ 2025년 04월 01일 edm유학센터/아트유학 집계
국가 이름 합격학교 전공
영국 안*준 University of Bristol Public Policy, MSc
영국 김*은 Durham University MSc Marketing
영국 이*지 London College of Communication(LCC), University of the Arts London (UAL) BA (Hons) Design for Art Direction
미국 김*희 Shorelight Education_University of South Carolina Chemical Engineering (M.E./M.S.) - STEM designated
호주 곽*현 University of Sydney Bachelor of Commerce
영국 임*나 London College of Fashion(LCF), University of the Arts London (UAL) International Preparation for Fashion (Certificate in Higher Education)
영국 정*린 Kaplan International Pathways(KIP)_University of Brighton Foundation Certificate in Science and Engineering
미국 최*선 School of Visual Arts (SVA) MFA Fine Arts
영국 강*연 Cardiff University MSc Physiotherapy
영국 박*현 CEG ONCAMPUS_UK North (UCLan) Medicine Undergraduate Foundation Programme (Medicine)
미국 이*유 Otis College of Art and Design (OTIS) BFA Graphic Design
영국 최*주 University of Southampton MSc International Management
영국 정*희 University of Leeds MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
영국 황*진 ISC_University of Durham International Foundation Year in Business, Economics, Accounting and Finance
영국 김*주 University of Glasgow Global Mental Health MSc
영국 장*호 CEG ONCAMPUS_University of Southampton Undergraduate Foundation Programme (UFP)_BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT
영국 강*경 University College London (UCL) MSc Project and Enterprise Management
영국 박*연 Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London (UAL) Graduate Diploma Graphic Design
영국 김*윤 University of Plymouth BA Creative Writing
영국 김*호 King's College London (KCL) Cyber Security MSc
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