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진학상담부터 수속솔루션까지 edm유학센터 전문 컨설턴트와 상담해 보세요
London College of Communication은 1895년에 설립되었다. 출판, 사진, 광고, 필름, 미디어산업 분야에서 활발히 활동중인 많은 교수진들이 실무위주 교육을 제공하고 있으며, 세계적으로 유명한 졸업생들을 배출하였다. 또한 최신시설을 보유하고 있어 9천명의 학생들에게 많은 현장실습 기회를 제공하고 있다. 오래된 역사로 인해 그래픽디자인 학과의 경우 역사를 가진 프린팅 시설과 최신 시설을 함께 보유하고 있다. 런던 1존에 위치하고 있으며 런던예술대학의 기숙사를 이용할 수 있다.
International Introduction to the Study of Design, Media and Screen
BA(Hons) Advertising |
BA(Hons) Animation |
BA(Hons) Computer Animation and Visual Effects |
BA(Hons) Contemporary Media Cultures |
BA(Hons) Design for Art Direction |
BA(Hons) Design for Branded spaces |
BA(Hons) Design Management |
BA(Hons) Flim and Screen Studies |
BA(Hons) Flim and Television |
BA(Hons) Flim Practice |
BA(Hons) Games Art |
BA(Hons) Games Design |
BA(Hons) Graphic and Media Design |
BA(Hons) Graphic Branding and Identity |
BA(Hons) Illustration and Visual Media |
BA(Hons) Immersive media and mixed Reality-VR |
BA(Hons) Interaction Design Arts |
BA(Hons) Journalism |
BA(Hons) Magazine Journalism and Publishing |
BA(Hons) Media Communication |
BA(Hons) Music Production |
BA(Hons) Photography |
BA(Hons) Photography and Creative Industries |
BA(Hons) Photojournalism and Documentary Photography |
BA(Hons) Public Relations |
BA(Hons) Sound Arts: Design |
BA(Hons) Sound Arts: Experimental Music |
BA(Hons) User Experience Design |
MA 3D Computer Animation |
MA Advertising |
MA Animation |
MA Animation Online |
MA Commercial Photography |
MA Design for Art Direction |
MA Design for Data Visualisation |
MA Design for Social Innovation and Sustainable Futures |
MA Design for Visual Communication |
MA Design for Visual Communication (Online) |
MA Design Management |
MA Documentary Film |
MA Film |
MA Games Design |
MA Graphic Branding and Identity |
MA Graphic Media Design |
MA Illustration and Visual Media |
MA Interaction Design |
MA Journalism: Arts and Lifestyle Journalism |
MA Journalism: Audio and Video Journalism |
MA Journalism: Social Justice Journalism |
MA Media, Communication and Critical Practice |
MA Music Management |
MA Music Production |
MA Photography |
MA Photojournalism and Documentary Photography |
MA Photojournalism and Documentary Photography(online) |
MA Public Relation |
MA Publishing |
MA Screenwriting |
MA Service Design |
MA Sound Arts |
MA Television |
MA User Experience Design |
MA Virtual Reality |
MA Visual Effects |
Pg Cert Design For Visual Communication |
Pg Dip Design For Visual Communication |
Postgraduate Diploma Broadcast Journalism
Postgraduate Diploma Photography Portfolio Development
Pre-sessional Academic English Programme
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design (UAL Awarding Body)
최종학력 성적증명서, 졸업증명서
영어 성적
포트폴리오 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)
에세이 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)
추천서 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)
Elephant and Castle, London SE1 6SB