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진학상담부터 수속솔루션까지 edm유학센터 전문 컨설턴트와 상담해 보세요
LCF (London College of Fashion)는 런던예술대학의 6개 대학중의 하나로 패션 관련 학과에 있어서는 가장 유명하고 인정받는 대학교이다. 실전 교육을 중심으로한 패션 현장에 유용한 수업방식으로 인해 졸업생들의 산업체 취업률이 매우 높은 편이며 유명한 패션계의 졸업생들을 배출한 학교로 알려져 있다. LCF는 가장 규모가 큰 패션 도서관을 보유하고 있으며, 시설 면에서도 사진관, 컴퓨터실, 비디오실, 스튜디오, 패션 무대 등 잘 갖추어져 있어 학생들의 학업에 필요한 자료와 시설들을 지원해 주고 있다. 또한 계속적으로 전문화되고 세분화된 과정을 개설함으로 최고의 학교로 자리 잡고 있습니다.
International Introduction to the Study of Fashion (FE Level 3) |
International Preparation for Fashion (Certificate in Higher Education) |
BA (Hons) 3D Effects for Performance and Fashion |
BA (Hons) Bespoke Tailoring |
BA (Hons) Cordwainers Fashion Bags and Accessories |
BA (Hons) Cordwainers Footwear |
BA (Hons) Costume for Performance |
BA (Hons) Creative Direction for Fashion |
BA (Hons) Critical Practice in Fashion Media |
BA (Hons) Fashion Buying and Merchandising |
BA (Hons) Fashion Contour |
BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Development |
BA (Hons) Fashion Design Technology: Menswear |
BA (Hons) Fashion Design Technology: Womenswear |
BA (Hons) Fashion Imaging and Illustration |
BA (Hons) Fashion Jewellery |
BA (Hons) Fashion Journalism and Content Creation |
BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing |
BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Consumer Behaviour |
BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Content Creation |
BA (Hons) Fashion Pattern Cutting |
BA (Hons) Fashion Photography |
BA (Hons) Fashion Public Relations and Communication |
BA (Hons) Fashion Sportswear |
BA (Hons) Fashion Styling and Production |
BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles: Embroidery |
BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles: Knit |
BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles: Print |
BA (Hons) Fashion Visual Merchandising and Branding |
BA (Hons) Hair and Make-up for Fashion |
BA (Hons) Hair, Make-up and Prosthetics for Performance |
BSc (Hons) Cosmetic Science |
BSc (Hons) Fashion Management |
BSc (Hons) Psychology of Fashion |
MSc Strategic Fashion Management |
Graduate Diploma Fashion Design Tech 준석사 |
Graduate Diploma Fashion Design Technology(Low Residency) |
Graduate Diploma Fashion Management and Marketing |
MA Costume Design for Performance |
MA Fashion Artefact |
MA Fashion Artefact(Low Residency) |
MA Fashion Cultures and Histories |
MA Fashion Design Management |
MA Fashion Design Technology (Menswear) |
MA Fashion Design Technology (Womenswear) |
MA Fashion Entrepreneurship and Innovation |
MA Fashion Futures |
MA Fashion Journalism and Content Creation |
MA Fashion Marketing and Global Cultures |
MA Fashion Marketing and Sustainability |
MA Fashion Media and Communication |
MA Fashion Photography |
MA Fashion Textiles Technologies |
MA Fashion, Film and Digital Production |
MA Footwear |
MA Global Fashion Retailing MA Fashion Curation and Cultural Programming |
MA Innovation Fashion Production |
MA Pattern and Garment Technology |
MA Strategic Fashion Marketing |
MA Strategic Fashion Marketing(Online) |
Master of Business Administration (MBA) |
MSc Cosmetic Enterprise and Innovation |
MSc Fashion Analytics and Forecasting |
MSc Psychology of Fashion |
PG Cert Fashion : Buying and Merchandising |
최종학력 성적증명서, 졸업증명서
영어 성적
포트폴리오 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)
에세이 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)
추천서 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)
20 John Princes Street, London W1G 0BJ