
버밍엄 시티 대학교
Birmingham City University (BCU)

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  • 썸네일
  • 썸네일
  • 썸네일
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  • 썸네일


Birmingham City University (BCU) (버밍엄 시티 대학교)
추천 포인트
2019 Guardian Ranking: 97위2019 Guardian Ranking• Art 부분: 59위
건축, 쥬얼리디자인, 패션디자인



  • 디자인 스쿨 역사가 깊기에, 학교에서는 Art&Design에 대한 지원을 많이 하고 있음
  • 크고 현대적인 시설에, 학생들이 작업을 할 때 필요한 시설들이 무료로 제공되고 있음
  • 영국 내 취업률이 가장 높은 학교 (2017년에는 97.4% 취업률)


버밍험 시티 대학은 1843년 Birmingham Government School of Design으로 시작한 학교이며, 디자인 스쿨 역사가 깊기에, 학교에서는 Art&Design에 대한 지원을 많이 해주고 있다. 이 학교는 City Centre Campus, City North Campus, City South Campus 등 세 개의 캠퍼스로 운영되며, School of Art 건물은 City Centre Campus에 위치해 있다. 더불어, 버밍험에 위치한 총 5개의 대학중 두번째로 크고 국제학생들에 대한 케어도 뛰어난 학교이다. 학교 내 Studio 및 Workshop(작업실) 등은 크고 현대적인 시설이며, 학생들이 작업을 할 때 필요한, MDF, 아크릴, 금속 등 재료 로레이저 커팅, 각인, 재단 등을 무료로 이용할 수 있는 장점을 가지고 있는 학교이다. 2017년에는 97.4%의 학생들이 취업에 성공하는 등, 영국 내 가장 취업률이 높은 학교로 손꼽히고 있다. 우리나라 한양대학교와 교환학생 협정이 되어 있다.

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BA (Hons) Acting
BA (Hons) Applied Theatre (Community and Education) 
BA (Hons) Architecture  
BA (Hons) Architecture with a Foundation Year  
BA (Hons) Art and Design  
BA (Hons) Art and Design with a Foundation Year  
BA (Hons) Art and Design with Creative Technologies 
BA (Hons) Business Management 
BA (Hons) Business Management with a Foundation Year
BA (Hons) Business with Marketing 
BA (Hons) Conductive Education  
BA (Hons) Criminology 
BA (Hons) Criminology, Policing and Investigation
BA (Hons) Digital Animation  
BA (Hons) Digital Animation with a Foundation Year  
BA (Hons) Digital Marketing  
BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies with Graduate Practitioner Competencies  
BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies with Graduate Practitioner Competencies with a Foundation Year  
BA (Hons) Education 
BA (Hons) Education Studies  
BA (Hons) Education Studies with a Foundation Year  
BA (Hons) English 
BA (Hons) English and Creative Writing 
BA (Hons) English Language and Literature 
BA (Hons) English Literature
BA (Hons) Events Management 
BA (Hons) Fashion Business and Promotion
BA (Hons) Fashion Business and Promotion with a Foundation Year
BA (Hons) Fashion Communication 
BA (Hons) Fashion Communication with a Foundation Year
BA (Hons) Fashion Design 
BA (Hons) Fashion Design with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Film and Screenwriting
BA (Hons) Film and Screenwriting with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Filmmaking 
BA (Hons) Filmmaking with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Fine Art
BA (Hons) Fine Art with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Game Design
BA (Hons) Game Technical Art 
BA (Hons) Graphic Design  
BA (Hons) Graphic Design with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Horology  
BA (Hons) Horology with a Foundation Year  
BA (Hons) Human Resource Management  
BA (Hons) Illustration 
BA (Hons) Illustration with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design 
BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Jewellery and Objects 
BA (Hons) Jewellery and Objects with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Journalism with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Landscape Architecture 
BA (Hons) Landscape Architecture - China and UK Delivery 
BA (Hons) Landscape Architecture with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Marketing 
BA (Hons) Marketing with Advertising and Public Relations 
BA (Hons) Marketing with Digital Communication 
BA (Hons) Media and Communication 
BA (Hons) Media and Communication with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Media Production 
BA (Hons) Music Business 
BA (Hons) Photography 
BA (Hons) Photography with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Popular Music 
BA (Hons) Product Design 
BA (Hons) Product Design with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Sociology 
BA (Hons) Sociology and Criminology 
BA (Hons) Sociology and Criminology with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Sport Business Management  
BA (Hons) Sports Journalism  
BA (Hons) Sports Journalism with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Stage Management  
BA (Hons) Textile Design 
BA (Hons) Textile Design with a Foundation Year 
BA (Hons) Visual Effects
BA (Hons) Visual Effects with Foundation Year
BA (Hons) Working with Children, Young People and Families with a Foundation Year
BA (Hons) Working with Children, Young People, and Families 
BA (Hons) Youth Work and Communities 
BEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering  
BEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering with a Foundation Year 
BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering with a Foundation Year 
BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering 
BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering with a Foundation Year 
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering 
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with a Foundation Year 
BMus Jazz 
BMus Music  
BSc (Hons)  Nursing - Learning Disability 
Bsc (Hons)  Nursing - Mental Health 
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance  
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance with a Foundation Year
BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology  
BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology with a Foundation Year  
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science 
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science with Foundation Year 
BSc (Hons) Business Finance  
BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology  
BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology with a Foundation Year 
BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering 
BSc (Hons) Computer Networks and Security 
BSc (Hons) Computer Networks and Security with a Foundation Year 
BSc (Hons) Computer Science 
BSc (Hons) Computer Science with a Foundation Year 
BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence 
BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence with a Foundation Year  
BSc (Hons) Computing and Information Technology 
BSc (Hons) Computing and Information Technology with a Foundation Year 
BSc (Hons) Construction Management 
BSc (Hons) Construction Management with a Foundation Year 
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security  
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security with a Foundation Year 
BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography  
BSc (Hons) Digital Film Production  
BSc (Hons) Digital Media Computing  
BSc (Hons) Digital Media Computing with a Foundation Year  
BSc (Hons) Digital Media Technology - China and UK Delivery  
BSc (Hons) Economics  
BSc (Hons) Finance and Investment 
BSc (Hons) Game Programming  
BSc (Hons) Game Technology 
BSc (Hons) Gemmology and Jewellery Studies 
BSc (Hons) Gemmology and Jewellery Studies with a Foundation Year
BSc (Hons) Midwifery  
BSc (Hons) Music Technology 


최종학력 성적증명서, 졸업증명서
영어 성적
포트폴리오 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)
에세이 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)
추천서 (전공과 레벨에 따라 유무, 가이드라인 확인 필요)


The Parkside Building, 5 Cardigan St

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