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진학상담부터 수속솔루션까지 edm유학센터 전문 컨설턴트와 상담해 보세요
리즈 대학은 영국 내 연구 업적으로 약 Top 10 순위권에 드는 대학으로, 다양하고 학구적이며 전문적인 학습법으로 세계에 널리 알려져 있다. 다양한 연구 활동은 전공의 한계를 넘어 그 활동 영역을 넓히고 있으며, Sheffield, York 대학과 "White Rose partnership"라 일컫는 선구적인 협정을 맺었다. 리즈 대학교의 70% 학과가 최상위에 랭크 되어있는 상위권 대학이며, 영국에서 가장 방대한 컴퓨터 네트워크를 가진 것으로도 유명하다. 리즈 대학의 학부와 대학원의 경제, 비즈니스, 법학, 공학, 컴퓨터공학, 정치, 국제학, 교통, 교육, 의학 등의 학과에서 우수한 연구업적 성과를 보여주고 있다. 특히 인문/사회, 디자인, 과학 및 공학, 비즈니스 분야에서 대학 입학을 준비하고 있는 학생에게 좋은 대학 예비과정 또한 제공하고 있다.
BA Ancient History |
BA Ancient History and English |
BA Ancient History and History |
BA Ancient History and Philosophy |
BA Arabic and Chinese |
BA Arabic and Japanese |
BA Arabic and Russian |
BA Arabic, Islamic, Middle Eastern and North African Studies |
BA Art and Design |
BA Arts and Humanities with Foundation Year |
BA Bachelor Degree with Integrated International Foundation Year (Arts and Social Science) |
BA Bachelor Degree with Integrated International Foundation Year (Business) |
BA Bachelor Degree with Integrated International Foundation Year (Design) |
BA Biomedical and Healthcare Ethics |
BA Business Management |
BA Business Management and the Human Resource |
BA Business Management with Marketing |
BA Childhood Studies |
BA Chinese (Modern) |
BA Chinese and Japanese Studies |
BA Chinese and Russian |
BA Chinese and Thai Studies |
BA Classical Civilisation |
BA Classical Literature and English |
BA Classical Literature and Philosophy |
BA Communication and Media |
BA Criminal Justice and Criminology |
BA Cultural and Media Studies |
BA Digital Media |
BA East Asian Studies |
BA East Asian Studies and Chinese |
BA East Asian Studies and International Relations |
BA East Asian Studies and Japanese |
BA Economics and Geography |
BA Economics and History |
BA Economics and Politics |
BA Education |
BA English and Comparative Literature |
BA English and Film Studies |
BA English and History |
BA English and History of Art |
BA English and Music |
BA English and Philosophy |
BA English and Sociology |
BA English Language and Linguistics |
BA English Language and Literature |
BA English Literature |
BA English Literature with Creative Writing |
BA English, Theatre and Performance |
BA Environment and Business |
BA Fashion Design Innovation |
BA Fashion Marketing |
BA Film Studies |
BA Film, Photography and Media |
BA Fine Art BA |
BA Fine Art with Contemporary Cultural Theory |
BA Fine Art with History of Art |
BA French |
BA Geography |
BA Geography with Transport Studies |
BA German |
BA Global Creative Industries |
BA Graphic and Communication Design |
BA History |
BA International Development |
BA Italian |
BA Japanese |
BA Japanese and Russian |
BA Journalism |
BA Liberal Arts |
BA Linguistics |
BA Linguistics and Philosophy |
BA Middle Eastern Studies and Politics |
BA Modern Languages |
BA Modern Languages and Business |
BA Modern Languages and Economics |
BA Modern Languages and English |
BA Modern Languages and Film Studies |
BA Modern Languages and History |
BA Modern Languages and International Relations |
BA Modern Languages and Linguistics |
BA Modern Languages and Philosophy |
BA Modern Languages and Politics |
BA Music |
BA Music and Music Psychology |
BA Music and Music Technology |
BA Music with Enterprise |
BA Philosophy |
BA Philosophy and Politics |
BA Philosophy, Ethics and Religion |
BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics |
BA Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Thought |
BA Politics |
BA Professional Studies |
BA Religion, Theology and Society |
BA Social Work |
BA Sociology |
BA Spanish |
BA Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies |
BA Sustainable Fashion |
BA Thai Studies |
BA Theatre and Performance |
BA Theatre and Performance with Enterprise |
BAHistory and Philosophy |
BAHistory and Sociology |
BAHistory of Art |
BAHistory of Art with Cultural Studies |
BChD Dental Surgery |
BEng Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering |
BEng Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering (Industrial) |
BEng Architectural Engineering |
BEng Architectural Engineering (Industrial) |
BEng Automotive Engineering |
BEng Automotive Engineering (Industrial) |
BEng Chemical Engineering |
BEng Chemical Engineering (Industrial) |
BEng Civil and Environmental Engineering |
BEng Civil and Environmental Engineering (Industrial) |
BEng Civil and Structural Engineering |
BEng Civil and Structural Engineering (Industrial) |
BEng Civil Engineering |
BEng Civil Engineering (Industrial) |
BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering |